This is the CNiP portal. Learn more at

How does CNiP work?

About this Pilot: 

CNiP 2023 was a pilot project of Volunteer Alberta, in partnership with BGCBigs Edmonton and Ever Active Schools. This program was made possible by The Community Services Recovery Fund. 

We know that a lot of members of our community are eager to see CNiP be available for more organizations, including us! However, at this point we have only secured funding for this limited scale, one-year pilot-project, and do not yet know what will happen with the project beyond this time frame.

We are sorry If you didn’t get a chance to participate this time but we encourage you to keep in tune with our social media for any news or updates.

So how does CNiP work?

  1. Alberta nonprofit organizations register, create, and then post meaningful, part-time internships to help achieve their missions.
  2. Students register, then search, and apply for internships available on the database.
  3. Students work together with the organization to meet the goals and expectations of the internship.
  4. Upon completion of the internship the students apply for and receive a monetary award.

Register now!